The Board of Directors implemented 6 recommendations from the Meyers Norris Penny’s Review related to YTCCFS’s restructuring. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled (January 26th) that the federal government discriminates against First Nation children on reserves by failing to provide the same level of child welfare services that exist elsewhere. The federal government’s funding model and management of its First Nations child and family services “resulted in denials of services and created various adverse impacts for many First Nations children and families living on reserves.”The decision says the government must “cease the discriminatory practice and take measures to redress and prevent it.” It calls for the redesign of the child welfare system and its funding model, urging the use of experts to ensure First Nations are given culturally appropriate services. YTCCFS currently operates with 63 staff within 8 field offices (Melville, Fort Qu’Appelle, Kamsack, Carlyle, Regina, Nekaneet, Piapot, 5th Avenue-Yorkton) and the head office (Bradbrooke-Yorkton). The Membership Chiefs developed their Action Plan related to addressing child and family services national political and legislative issues in May. Youth Transitioning Out of Care Program implemented. Immediate relief funding received from INAC.